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Health Reform

Trade group sues to block Seattle’s employer mandate on hotel owners

Trade group sues to block Seattle’s employer mandate on hotel owners

An employee benefits advocacy group representing many of the nation’s largest employers has filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Seattle, seeking to bar the city from enforcing a new employer health insurance mandate for certain hotel workers. The implications of the suit could ripple far outside the Pacific northwest and the hotel industry.

Playtime is Over: IRS Gets Serious on ACA Mandate Enforcement (But Will Congress Deliver Us from the Effort?)

Playtime is Over: IRS Gets Serious on ACA Mandate Enforcement (But Will Congress Deliver Us from the Effort?)

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes health insurance coverage mandates on individuals and employers, but to this point the IRS has been slow to enforce the mandates. That may no longer be the case as the IRS signals it is prepared to begin an enforcement effort in...




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